The Project

Work Package 5 - Testing and Finalization of the Material

Work package aims:

- To test the e-learning platform and the e-learning contents in order to identify mistakes, bugs etc;
- To analyze the results, the effectiveness and viability of the modules in each partner country;
- To perform corrective actions (both in the platform and the material) before the beginning of the piloting.


The details of the different phases of this WP are the following:

Task 1 Testing Sessions - Studies: the draft modules will be tested by the first “testing trainings” with the participation of 10-15 applicants chosen randomly by the partners. During the 2-3 day tests the effectiveness of the training modules will be tested with the questionnaires and quizzes. All documents will consolidate to be ready for further analysis. The questionnaires and quizzes will be developed by the WP coordinator and included in the Guidelines document.

Task 2 Analysis: the main idea of analyzing the results of the testing is to determine how far training modules from the objectives are. The partners, in the framework of a translational meeting will analyze the results of the testing sessions.

Task 3 Reporting: the partners who conducted the testing sessions-studies will report to the project management on the results and their observations related there.

Task 4 Revision: after the analysis of the draft training modules the modules will be revised by the technical team and the researchers.

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E- Learning Platform

Supported by the DI-XL project related with the dissemination and exploitation of LLP results through libraries


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  GR-151 25 Maroussi, Athens, Greece

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